Monday, May 30, 2016


Tweeome\'twee'o'me\: a tree accident waiting to happen

Sarahfaucet \'sarah'faucet\: drinking directly from a spigot

Plarg\'plarg\: flatten-out animal road-kill

Shivaflit \'shiv'a'flit\: when a person doesn't care anymore

Wongfodder \'wong 'fodder\: when the child is a foot taller than his father

Groundfrodi \'ground 'fro 'de\: when someone is thrown to the ground

Polelander \'pole 'lander\: when a car crashes into a telephone poll

Nikookcus\'ni ‘kook 'kus\: anal residue on underwear

Firherghen\fir 'her 'gan\: more hair than face

Frightynite\'frighty 'night\: a person who is scared of the night


Skeeterbite\'skeetter 'bite\: a mosquito bite

Herdentir\'her'dent'her\: when a female dents a car

Himdentir\'him'denter: when a male dents a car

Kataround\'kata'round\: a cat running around in circles

Lipasnore\'lip'a'snore\: a person who's lip flutters when they snore.

Lipevir\'lip'ever\: a very long kiss

Drygone\'dry 'gone\: a person who sweats a lot.

Holetoobig\'hole'too'big\: when a child's butt touches the water when they sit on the toilet

Whobetoes\‘who’be'toes\: when several feet are sticking out from under the covers

Hymmail\‘him‘mail\: mail for men only

Hirmail\‘her‘mail\: mail for females only

Sepsnods\‘sep‘snods\:  parents of the gifted and talented

Nolippy\‘no‘lip‘e\: people who don't seem to have lips

Holyhir\‘holy'her\: a female preacher

Fourbee\‘four‘bee\: a big, black, bald, basketball player

Snollysnat\'snolly'snat\: when a person fakes a smile by showing their teeth

Snozzieozzie\'snoz 'ze'oz'ze\: phlegm hanging out of a nostril

Mikenslype\'miken'slype\: people who scream at newspapers


Monodimpuler\'mono'dimp'pu'ler\: a person with only dimple

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